A very successful Spring Fair was held on 16 September 2023. Community support was overwhelming! Hundreds of plants were sold, the delicious cake stall goodies were snapped up and a huge number of books found new homes. Lots of scrumptious Devonshire Teas were also enjoyed. The jam making competition was popular as was the children's cupcake decorating competition. 

Funds raised will be used to maintain the Community Hall which can also be used as an evacuation centre.

A huge thank you to everyone who came along and supported us. 

Jam competition winners were:

Plum jam - Judy Hicks (Highly commended)

Marmalade - Margaret Guy

Relish - Margaret Guy

Lemon Butter - Louise Trist

Overall winner - Margaret Guy


Jam display


Margaret Guy was the overall winner of best jam


2 year old Owen Lombaard with his cup cake entries


Hannah Lenton was the winner of the 7-12 years Most Imaginative Cupcake


Melinda Lombaard looks through the second hand books for sale