At Bolwarra Uniting Church, we have a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, and try not to be too serious, so please come and make yourself comfortable in our contemporary seating. Each service is a little different depending on who is leading worship.

Here is a helpful list of what you can expect to experience when you visit on a Sunday morning from parking your car, getting around the church, following along in worship, and the all-important cuppa and chat after the service.


We have a large car park and there is plenty of parking in the surrounding streets. The car park and entry are mobility accessible and we have one designated mobility parking space near the pedestrian gate.  


The entrance to the church faces Canna Street. Follow the concrete path past the wooden Vestry doors to the main cream double door entrance. The car park, entry, church and hall are all mobility accessible.

On arrival, you will be greeted by one of our leaders who will answer any questions you may have. Entry is via the back of the church. We do appreciate people sitting towards the front of the church.

We have contemporary comfortable seating, some with arms and a few traditional pews at the back. There is also plenty of space for wheelchairs, walkers and prams.

We have a designated children’s area at the back of the church equipped with a table and chairs, toys and colouring in pencils and paper. Please do not be concerned with any noise or disruption made by children, we enjoy their presence.


Worship service takes place in the church commencing at 9am for an hour. Our services traditionally include hymns, sometimes modern Christian songs, prayers, readings from the bible and a message from the leader of the day. We have an organist, and often other musicians join him. We usually stand to sing hymns (if you are able) and remain seated during prayer. 

Sometimes we join with the other Uniting Church congregations in the Maitland area for a combined service. These services generally commence at 10am and we rotate hosting the service. This is publicised on this website and our Facebook page. 

Communion is on the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome to receive communion. We usually take communion in our seats; a leader will bring it around. We eat the bread (gluten free option is available), and drink the wine (grape juice) together at the same time.

Everything you need to follow along with the worship service is either printed or projected on the screen in the church. 

Our Sunday School is in recess at the moment, but we are keen to start it up again.


We would love you to stay after the Sunday Service, share a cuppa and chat with us in the air-conditioned hall at the back of the church (through the double doors). We would like to get to know you and answer any questions you may have about our church. We also have cordial and water available for children or anyone who would prefer it. We generally offer bought biscuits but sometimes we are treated with a homemade cake or slice – we have some amazing cooks in our congregation!


Our modern accessible and ambulant toilets are located in the hall on the left-hand side wall as you walk through the double doors from the church to the hall. The door is clearly marked. There is also a sturdy wooden change table in the accessible toilet (we suggest you use your own cover for hygiene reasons).

We also have a modern fully equipped food preparation area, which is put to great use when catering for events by our congregation.

At the back of the church we have a noticeboard with information about our current leaders, rosters and details of upcoming events. Please take a look.

We would love to see you one day!